Friday 29 July 2022

How Long Does Air Conditioning Last – AC Lifespan Guide

What is the longest-lasting air conditioning system? It’ll be highly devastating when you discover your air conditioner’s life span is limited and not permanent in any way – it will not last.

Most people don’t think about their air conditioner until it breaks down in the middle of summer. But did you know there are ways to make your AC last longer? In this article, we will discuss the lifespan of air conditioners and how to keep them running smoothly for as long as possible. We’ll also provide some tips on troubleshooting common problems. So read on to learn more!

Determinants of Air Conditioner’s Lifecycle

How long should an air conditioner last? The lifespan of an air conditioner can be affected by various factors. The most important determinants are the following:

Type of air conditioning unit

The type of air conditioner will have a significant impact on its lifespan. For example, a window unit will have a shorter lifespan than a central air unit. Even the brand of the AC system will also influence their lifespan.


How often the air conditioner is used will also affect its lifespan. If it’s used constantly, it will wear out faster than if it’s used only occasionally. This likewise includes how you use the air conditioner, whether it is being operated based on the manual, the kind of space it is installed on, among others.


As with any other appliance in your home, proper maintenance is essential to prolong your AC unit’s life. Be sure to have your unit serviced by a licensed professional at least once a year. This will help ensure that it’s running efficiently and catch any potential problems before they become major repairs.

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping an AC unit running smoothly. If the filters aren’t cleaned or the coils are dirty, the AC will not run as efficiently and wear out sooner.


The temperature at which an air conditioning system is running can also affect its lifespan. If it’s running at a lower temperature, it will last longer than running at a higher temperature. However, this may also be affected by the climate where you live.

The average lifespan of an air conditioner is between 10 and 15 years. If you live in an area with a harsher climate, your air conditioner may not last as long. For example, live in an area that experiences extreme heat or cold. Your HVAC system will have to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, which can shorten its lifespan.


The size of air conditioners will also impact their lifespan. If you have a unit too small for your home, it will have to work overtime to cool your space, which can shorten its lifespan. On the other hand, a unit too large for your home will cycle on and off more frequently, which can also lead to premature wear and tear.

Signs that conditioners have completed their life span

Maybe it’s been a decade of using the same air conditioner. Or perhaps it’s only been five years, yet you feel that there is a need for a new air conditioning unit already. What are the common signs that it’s time for a new air conditioner to be installed

1. The air conditioner is noisy

If the air conditioner starts to make strange noises, it may be a sign that it’s reaching the end of its lifespan. Old air conditioners are often known to be noisier than newer models. So, if you keep hearing odd noises from your air conditioner even after several rounds of repair, it’s probably time to replace your air conditioner.

2. The unit is not cooling as well as it used to

If your air conditioner is having trouble cooling your home, it may be due to a lack of refrigerant or dirty coils. These problems can be fixed, but it may be time for a new unit if they continue to occur.

3. The unit is leaking water

If your air conditioner leaks water, it could be a clogged drain line or a problem with the evaporator coil. If you notice any water leaks, be sure to call a professional to have it checked out. Some air conditioners will naturally have regular water leaks, but if it happens too often, it’s time to upgrade your air conditioning system.

4. The unit is costing more to operate

If your air conditioner uses more energy than it did in the past, it may be time for a new one. Newer HVAC systems are now equipped with several energy-efficiency features, so even though you will spend for a unique unit, you can also quickly get your money’s worth by saving on your energy bill.

5. The air conditioner is over ten years old

Air conditioners last for around 10 to 15 years. However, even if your air conditioner is still working, it’s probably time for a replacement if it’s over ten years old. As air conditioners age, they become less efficient and need more repairs. Replacing your old unit with a new one can save you money in the long run.

If you notice any of these signs, it may be time for a new air conditioner. Be sure to call a licensed professional to have your unit checked out and see what options are available to you.

How often should I replace my AC unit?

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the type of AC unit you have, your climate, and how well you maintain your unit. However, as a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended that you replace your AC unit every 10-15 years to ensure a more efficient and powerful cooling system. Find out more here.

What to look for in new air conditioners?

Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re in the market for new air conditioners.

First of all, size matters. Make sure to get air conditioning units that are the right size for your room or house. You don’t want something too small because it won’t be able to cool the space adequately, but you also don’t want something too large because it will use more energy than necessary and could end up costing you a lot of money on your utility bill.

Another thing to consider is efficiency. Look for an air conditioner with an Energy Star rating; this means that it meets specific standards for energy efficiency and can save you money on your utility bills in the long run.

Finally, think about what kind of features you want. Some air conditioners come with built-in timers so you can set them to turn on and off at certain times; others have remote controls so you can adjust the settings without getting up off the couch. Consider what would be most beneficial to you and decide based on that.

With these things in mind, you should be able to find the perfect air conditioner for your needs.


Even the best air conditioners will eventually need to be replaced. If yours is over ten years old, it’s probably time for an upgrade. Other signs that it might be time for a new AC include:

  • Your utility bills are increasing even though you’re not using the AC anymore or any less than usual.
  • The AC isn’t blowing cold air like it used to.
  • The unit is making strange noises.
  • There is water leaking from the unit.

If you notice these things, it’s time to start shopping for a new air conditioner. And when you do, keep the above considerations in mind to ensure you get the best possible unit for your needs.

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

How to do Maintenance on Air Conditioner – A Homeowner’s Guide

It’s summertime, and that means the temperatures are soaring! Make sure you’re staying cool by keeping up with your air conditioner maintenance.

In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to do basic maintenance on your air conditioning unit. Please keep reading for our beginner’s guide to air conditioner maintenance. Let us help you keep your home comfortable all summer long!

6 Ways to Keep Air Conditioners in Top Shape

It is essential not easily to get intimidated by your air conditioner unit. This way, you will be more motivated to do routine maintenance and prevent further and more expensive damages.

1. Clean the air conditioner filters every month

As any homeowner knows, air conditioners are essential to keeping cool during the summer months. However, air conditioners can also be a significant source of pollution, releasing harmful chemicals into the air.

One way to help reduce air pollution is to clean the air filters in your air conditioner regularly. The air filter traps contaminants such as dust, pollen, and mould spores, preventing them from being recirculated into the air. By regularly cleaning your air conditioner’s air filters, you can help to improve air quality and protect your family’s health.

2. Vacuum the coils at least twice a year

Air conditioner coils must be vacuumed at least twice a year to maintain air conditioner performance. The air conditioner coils are full of dirt and dust, restricting airflow and reducing air conditioner efficiency.

Vacuuming the coils removes the dirt and dust, allowing air to flow freely and helping the air conditioner to cool more effectively. In addition, vacuuming the coils helps to prevent them from freezing, which can damage the air conditioner.

To vacuum the coils, turn off the air conditioner and remove the front panel. Then, use a soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to brush away any dirt and dust gently. Be sure to vacuum the inside and outside of the coils and replace the front panel before turning on the air conditioner.

3. Remove any debris from around the outdoor unit

The condenser unit of an air conditioner is responsible for releasing the heat that has been collected indoors. To work correctly, the condenser unit must have a clear airflow. Debris such as leaves and grass can block the airflow and prevent the condenser from operating effectively.

As a result, the unit will have to work harder to cool the air, leading to higher energy bills and shortened lifespan. In addition, a blocked condenser can also cause the system to freeze up, leading to even more costly repairs.

For these reasons, it is essential to regularly remove any debris from an air conditioner’s outdoor unit as part of your air conditioner maintenance steps.

4. Check the refrigerant level and adjust if necessary

Before checking the refrigerant level, it is essential to ensure that the air conditioner is turned off and the power is disconnected. Once this has been done, locate the access valve on the low-pressure side of the unit.

This is typically located near the compressor. Place a charged refrigerant cylinder next to the access valve and release a small amount of refrigerant into the valve. If the system is charged correctly, the pressures inside and outside of the unit should equalise, and the refrigerant should stop flowing out of the valve.

If there is insufficient pressure in the system, more refrigerant will need to be added until the correct levels are reached. However, if this process is too complicated for you, seek help from an aircon professional.

5. Tighten all screws, bolts, and connectors

Most air conditioning systems have a lot of screws, bolts, and connectors. While these may not seem important, they play a significant role in keeping the system running correctly.

Over time, these parts can become loose, which can cause the system to work less efficiently. That’s why it’s important to tighten all screws, bolts, and connectors as part of aircon maintenance.

6. Replace the air filter every three months

Though it may seem like a small task, replacing the aircon filter in your air conditioner is essential to keep it running effectively. A dirty air filter can block airflow and cause the unit to work harder than necessary, leading to increased energy costs and shortened lifespan.

For best results, replace the filter every three months, or more often if you have pets or live in a dusty area. Taking a few minutes to change the air filter will help ensure that your air conditioner runs efficiently for years to come and consistently gives you cool air.

Benefits of Aircon Maintenance at Home

So why do you need to go through all the trouble of aircon maintenance even if you paid a lot for your air conditioning system? To sum it up, air conditioner maintenance is one of the best ways to get the most out of the money you spend on your cooling system.

Prolongs the air conditioner’s lifespan

First, maintaining your AC unit can help to prolong its lifespan. Just like any other appliance in your home, your aircon or HVAC system needs regular care and attention to function at its best. You can catch minor problems by scheduling AC maintenance appointments before they become major repairs.

It makes the air conditioning unit more efficient

AC maintenance can help improve the efficiency of your unit. A well-maintained AC unit will use less energy, saving you money on your energy bills. In addition, regular AC maintenance can also help improve the quality of the air in your home by preventing the build-up of mould and mildew.

Promotes Health and Safety of the Family

AC units that aren’t properly maintained can also lead to indoor air pollution. Air conditioning maintenance is essential for the safety of you and your family. An AC unit that isn’t properly maintained can pose a severe fire hazard. In addition, a dirty AC filter can cause health problems for people with allergies or asthma.

AC maintenance is essential for many different reasons. By taking the time to schedule regular AC maintenance appointments, you can save yourself time and money in the long run.

Here is another reason why you should do AC maintenance

When to Call Aircon Servicing Company

Most people are used to having their air conditioners break down during the hottest days of summer. However, it is essential to remember that your AC unit needs regular maintenance to function correctly.

As such, it is best to have an ac servicing contract to check at least once a year. While you may be able to clean the air filter and coils yourself, only a professional will be able to check for signs of wear and tear and perform any necessary repairs.

However, if you live in an area with high humidity levels or your unit is used frequently, you may need to have it serviced more often.

If you notice any strange noises coming from your unit or it doesn’t seem to be cooling as well as it used to, it’s time to call a service company. They will be able to diagnose the problem and make any necessary repairs.

Additionally, a professional aircon servicing company will be able to advise you on steps you can take to improve the efficiency of your AC.

By keeping up with regular maintenance, you can extend the life of your air conditioner and prevent costly repairs down the road.

Final Words

AC unit maintenance is essential to keep your home cool and comfortable during the hot summer. A well-maintained air conditioner will also help to improve air quality and reduce energy costs.

Air conditioning units that are not adequately maintained can build dust and dirt, leading to allergies or respiratory problems. Furthermore, a dirty air conditioning system will have to work harder to maintain the desired temperature, leading to higher energy bills.

A clean air conditioner will run more efficiently and use less electricity. In addition, AC units that are adequately maintained tend to last longer than those that are not. For all these reasons, keeping your AC unit regularly is essential.

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

Are air conditioning service contracts worth it?

Summer is right around the corner, and with it comes blistering temperatures. Like most homeowners, you’ll be cranking up your air conditioning to stay comfortable. But before you do, you may want to consider whether or not a service contract for your AC unit is worth it.

In this blog post, we’ll look at what air conditioning service contracts are, what they typically cover, and whether or not they’re worth the investment. We’ll also provide tips on finding the best deal on a service contract. So if you’re wondering whether or not AC service contracts are proper for you, keep reading!

What are the different types of AC service contracts available to homeowners and businesses?

For those who don’t know, HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. An AC system is vital to any home or business, providing crucial climate control year-round.

As with any complex system, regular maintenance is key to running smoothly. That’s where service contracts come in. A service contract is an agreement between a homeowner or business owner and an AC service provider.

In exchange for a monthly or yearly fee, the service provider agrees to perform regular maintenance on the AC system and make any necessary repairs. Different types of service contracts are available, so choosing one that fits your needs and budget is essential.

For example, some service contracts include coverage for parts and labour, while others only cover labour costs. Some AC companies even offer extended warranties that cover the replacement of the entire system in the event of a significant failure and priority service.

When choosing an AC service contract, it’s essential to research and select a reputable provider with a good track record. With so many options available, there’s no reason not to find a service contract that meets your needs.

Benefits of having a service contract for air conditioning system

Now, you might think, “are AC service contracts worth it?” when you can just simple call-on-demand in case anything happens to your AC systems. Here are some of the benefits you can get from your service contract.

Peace of mind knowing that your air conditioner is being taken care of licensed AC technician

A service contract provides peace of mind, knowing that someone will regularly visit your home or business to check on your air conditioner. This can save you time and money in the long run. When searching for an aircon service contract, be sure to ask about the experience of the technician and the fees involved.

Reduced chance of a breakdown or malfunction due to regular maintenance

Air conditioners are complex and require regular care and upkeep to function correctly. By signing an AC contract, homeowners can rest assured that their AC system is regularly inspected and serviced by a qualified technician. This can help prevent costly repairs down the road and ensure that their AC system always operates at peak efficiency.

Lower energy bills due to optimised performance

AC companies that offer aircon service contracts often advertise lower energy bills as a benefit of signing up. And it’s true that keeping your air conditioner well-maintained can enjoy optimised performance using less energy. As a result, you’ll reduce your monthly utility bills.

24/7 customer service and support in case of an emergency

One of the main benefits of an aircon service contract is priority treatment in an emergency. If your air conditioner stops working in the middle of a heatwave, you’ll be glad to have a 24/7 customer service line to call for help. With a service contract, you’ll also get priority service, so you won’t have to wait long for a technician to come to your home.

How much do AC service contracts typically cost?

For many homeowners, an AC service contract is essential to keeping their home comfortable and energy-efficient. These contracts typically cover the cost of routine maintenance and repairs, which can be a great way to prevent expensive problems.

However, AC service contracts can vary widely in terms of cost, depending on the size of the home and the type of service required. In general, service contracts for tiny homes may start as low as $100 per year, while contracts for larger homes can easily exceed $1,000 per year. As a result, it’s essential to do your research and choose a service contract that fits both your budget and your needs.

Many AC companies will likewise provide you with a free quotation of their services, so it is easier to compare the costs based on your specific requirements.

What happens if you don’t have a service contract for your air conditioning unit?

If you don’t have a service contract for your air conditioning unit, you may be in for some expensive repairs. Air conditioning units are complex machinery requiring regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly.

Without a service contract, you will be responsible for paying for all repairs and service call fees out of pocket. Additionally, you may not be able to take advantage of discounts or deals available to holders of AC service contracts. In the long run, signed service contracts can save you money by keeping your air conditioner running efficiently and avoiding costly repairs.


While air conditioner service contracts require upfront costs, it is easy to reap its benefits both in the short-term and long-term. This is particularly important if your house or business deals with multiple AC units. Looking for an AC company every time something is wrong with one of your units is a hassle that can be quickly addressed by having your HVAC service plan with a reputable aircon servicing company.

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

How to Clean Your Air Conditioner’s Coils

Nothing is better than coming home to a comfortable and warm apartment on a hot day. It’s been this way for many years, but sometimes the air conditioner doesn’t work the way you want it to. This is likely because the coils are dirty and need to be cleaned. Coils can get dirty for various reasons, including being covered in dust or pet hair or not properly maintained. Cleaning the coils is a quick and easy process that can help your air conditioner run more efficiently. This blog post will show you how to clean air conditioner coils using a few simple steps. Feel free to check out 5 DIY ways to clean your AC too.

Before asking yourself, “how do I clean the coils on my ac unit?” Let us first get into the two important ac coils and better understand what and how they function.

The Two AC Coils

The evaporator coil, which is found inside the blower compartment or air handler, is where the compressor transports the chilled refrigerant. The cool refrigerant absorbs heat from the air in your home as it passes over the coil with the help of the blower fan. The dirt from the evaporator coils usually comes from inside, like pet furs, dust, and hair.

The part of your air conditioner that moves heat from one medium to another is a condenser coil which is at the outdoor unit. This enables an air conditioner to draw heat from the outside and release it inside the condenser coil.

Now that you already have a basic idea about the different air conditioner coils you need regularly clean, let us get into how you clean your ac coils.

Note: Before starting anything, make sure you shut off all the power

You, Will, Need the Following:

In order to clean evaporator and condenser coils, you will need the following

  • Cordless drill
  • Nylon scrub brush
  • Flashlight
  • Garden hose
  • Sprayer
  • Bucket
  • Gloves
  • Shop vacuum
  • Vacuum extension wand
  • Water spray bottle
  • Screwdriver
  • Fin repair comb

How to Clean Air Conditioner Condenser Coils

Locate the AC Condenser Coils

The condenser unit is usually situated outside, on the other side of the wall from the electric service panel.

Disable Electric Breaker

Before doing anything, for your safety, make sure you turn the part of the breaker that connects to your air conditioner off. If your home’s breaker is not able to only specifically turn off the ac unit, then you might have to shut off all of your house’s power.

Remove Side and Top Condenser Covers

This would be the time to take out your screwdrivers. Remove the screws from the protective cover on the top and the sides. Make sure you secure the screws properly as you still need this once you finish cleaning.

Unscrew the Condenser Fan Assembly From Unit

This step is only applicable if your condenser coil model makes removing the fan and the motor easy. If done incorrectly, this step can cause a lot of damage to your air conditioner coils; hence, if you are not confident, it is best to skip this step.

Inspect the Inside of the AC Unit

While the unit is open, this would be an excellent opportunity to inspect the condition of the unit inside the cabinet for obvious faults such as loose wires, cracked or broken pipes or advanced rust. If you notice these things inside your air conditioner, then it is best to call a professional to get this repaired.

Remove Debris

There is a lot of dirt and debris at the bottom that you can easily take out by hand. Wear protective gloves and remove the larger debris that you can find, such as leaves, barks, dirt, or pebbles. Put the debris in the bucket and the compost bin at your residence for the biodegradable items.


Use a vacuum with a soft brush extension to vacuum out the remaining debris, usually at the bottom of your ac cabinet.

Fix the Fins

The condenser coil’s fragile metal fins are readily rearranged. Crushed fins may be straightened up in tiny patches with the metal-tipped fin comb. Move the tool up and down like you would comb your hair, while putting the comb’s tines in the fins to fix the bent fins. This step can help to improve the heat transfer process.

Clean Protective Grills

There might be debris that can get stuck between the protective grills and the aluminium fins. Here, leaves frequently become entrapped and need to be manually removed. You can tell if the fins on your ac coils are clean by shining a flashlight inside. If you point it from the outside towards what’s inside, then as long as there isn’t any dust or other things blocking light from them (which would give an opposite effect), this should be enough for us to see how okay they look!

Use Foam Coil Cleaner

On the interior of the cabinet, spritz foamy AC coil cleaner. Apply a generous layer of the cleaner to the cabinet’s four sides, pushing it through the fins and into the fins themselves. Avoid touching the fins. Let the water and the foaming coil cleaning do the work. Avoid making direct physical contact with the coils and fins as much as you can.

Spray Water

Wait five to ten minutes before proceeding to this step. Use the garden hose’s sprayer attachment or a spray bottle to spray water from the inside out. To prevent harming the fins, keep the spray on broadly. Start at the top and work your way down one side. Before going on to the next side, finish the current side.

Spray Outside with Water

Use a fine/wide mist to hose off any debris from the fins and coils gently. Be careful not to direct water inward, as this may cause more dirt or sand into your finicky details!

How to Clean Air Conditioner Evaporator Coils

Locate the AC Condenser Coils

The evaporator coils are found inside the air conditioning system. There are usually two of them behind an access door on the supply side, so don’t forget about those when you take off your glove for some maintenance work.

Check and Arrange the Coils

The inner portion of the assembly, shaped like an “A,” will be the dirtier side of the evaporator coils.

The aluminium fins on your air conditioner’s evaporator coils are delicate, so you should brush them in a direction that will not damage or jostle the metal. Start at the top and work downward while not touching any other part of it with nylon bristles (you might scratch something!). Vacuum up all debris when finished brushing for an even easier cleanup process!

Fix the Fins

The evaporator coil’s fragile metal fins are readily rearranged. Flattened fins may be straightened up in tiny patches with the metal-tipped fin comb. Move the tool up and down while putting the comb’s tines in the fins.

Use Foam Coil Cleaner and Rinse

On the interior of the cabinet, spritz foamy AC evaporator coils cleaner. Apply a generous layer of the cleaner to the cabinet’s four sides, pushing it through the fins and into the fins themselves. Avoid touching the fins. Let the water and the foaming coil cleaning do the work. Avoid making direct physical contact with the coils and fins as much as you can.

After about five minutes, carefully rinse down the coils with clean water in a spray bottle. Be careful not to apply too much force when wiping off excess moisture from previous coats of paint or other materials on your home’s exterior; this can lead to scratching! Once everything has been cleaned appropriately and thoroughly dried out before continuing towards finishing touches like applying waxes etc.

Evaporator coils can’t be soaked like how condenser coils can.


Once you have thoroughly cleaned your air conditioner coils, you can now reassemble your air conditioner back.

When you are done with your repairs, leave the access door open until the coils have dried properly. Close it up and turn it off at the breaker box before leaving for work or school.

Why you Should Clean AC Coils

The condenser fan and compressors work increasingly harder just to output the same amount of cool air, but when they’re dirty, it’s like trying to push against an invisible wall. Cleaning your coils will restore them back up so that you can enjoy a full-capacity cooling efficiency from the start! In order to maintain the temperature set-point, the system must cycle on more frequently due to dirty coils. The continual pull of hot air from home by the condenser unit’s fan causes it to deteriorate more quickly. Because there are lesser tears, there is a lesser need to contact professional servicing.

How Often Should You Clean AC Coils

Most of the time, your ac coils should be cleaned once a year. Your air conditioner coils can get dirty and clogged with accumulated dust in just one year, which will reduce their efficiency.

This is because the dirtiness of your system affects how well it works; therefore, you need to have them cleaned periodically or when they become too full of debris for proper operation (which could be sooner than expected). You should also consider where AC equipment operates most heavily–city living might require twice yearly cleaning compared to remote areas without much pollution throughout summertime!


Your air conditioner coils are an important part of your AC unit, and keeping them clean is essential to the unit’s efficiency. A little preventative maintenance can go a long way in ensuring that your air conditioner coils stay clean and your unit runs smoothly for years to come!

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

Why Are My Ac Vents Dirty?

Have you ever seen little wisps of dust puffing out from an air duct every time your air conditioner system turns on? Maybe pet hair is trapped in one vent or just coating the grill on return registers. This could mean it’s due for a thorough air duct cleaning!

The dust and dirt on your air vents can cause problems with the efficiency of a home’s heating and cooling system. This leads to higher energy bills and harmful conditions for you with poor air quality! So take action before it gets too late – cleans those dirty AC system vents today.

Causes of Dirty Air ducts

Your Room

The most common source of dirt streaking around AC vents is actually in the room itself. Air entering at high velocities will cause turbulent conditions, which encourages pet FUR, other allergens, dirt and dust to attach themselves on top of the wall where conditioned air flows across them without interacting too much before leaving through an outer door or venting out into another section below ground level.

Unsealed Vent Covers

The second most common cause of dirty air from your AC vents is seeping in from unsealed openings after supplying boot penetrations. Insulation particles and other contaminants are drawn into the stream, which then mixes with conditioned, leading to streaks like before!

Moisture Level

The dirt streaking on your AC System and air ducts can worsen due to excessive moisture. Little or no water can cause particles in the atmosphere around us, like dust, pet dander, and pollen, for example, to be tucked onto surfaces, whether they’re metal (like an exterior wall), wood-based products such as furniture with tight joints between parts (exterior door panels).

Wrong Air Filter

The dirty air conditioner vents you see on your ceiling may be due to using the wrong type of air filter. Make sure that whatever kind is used, it’s at least 1 inch thick. You should also ensure that they’re pleated – this will keep more dirt from getting inside and make them last longer than other types without having too many tiny gaps for dust bunnies or small insects.

Leaky Ducts

The ducts of the ac system in your home are essential to the health of every room. They keep air moving efficiently, so you’ll save money on energy bills by keeping them clean! If there’s any sign that they’re damaged or leaking (, get those fixed as soon as possible because it can lead directly to increased repair costs and poor indoor air quality.

Undersized Air Grills

Your air filters may be clean at regular change intervals with everyday use, but that’s not always an indication of good airflow. If you have to replace your air filter often or if the quality isn’t up to standard, it could point towards undersized return air grills on the system, which will lead to dirty ac vents, and coils and send and send more dirt through into other parts.

How Do You Clean the Dirty AC Ducts?

The average person cannot clean the air ducts and vents of a central air conditioner on their own. The system is too complex for someone who doesn’t have access to professional equipment or know-how, leaving a lot of room covered in dirt which may cause problems.

The AC system in your home is a crucial part of it. I’m sure you’re aware that our air quality can suffer when this goes wrong, and we might even develop respiratory problems from all the dirt being pulled into our homes daily! It would be much better to contact a professional air conditioning contractor to be sure.

Preventing Dirty Vents

The cleaner your AC system, the less debris will recirculate throughout your home. Professional cleaning is an easy way to reduce indoor air contaminants. Not only can you hire a contractor for this task, but regular maintenance also protects against future problems with dirt build-up or other allergens nesting in unexpected places like behind; refrigerators!

Consider replacing your filter with one with a higher minimum efficiency reporting if you want to keep the air inside of your home clean. The more particles it can remove, the fewer will be stuck on surfaces around this house and in vents below ceilings, where they may cause problems later down the line!


Dirty air vents can cause several problems in your home, from reducing the efficiency of your AC system to causing respiratory problems. Keeping them clean is essential; the best way to do that is to hire a professional contractor. You can also take steps to prevent dirt build-up, like replacing your air filter with a higher-quality one. Taking these measures will ensure that your home is always comfortable and safe!

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

Thursday 28 July 2022

Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect AC?

Summer is in full swing, and with the hotter temperatures comes the need for air conditioning. But what if your air conditioner isn’t working as well as it should? Could a dirty air filter be to blame? In this blog post, we’ll explore how a dirty air filter can affect your AC unit and what you can do to help improve its performance. Stay cool!

Problems Caused by a Dirty Air Filter

But why does a dirty air filter affect the performance of your air conditioner?

Over Heating

The filter in your HVAC system is essential because it helps regulate the temperature of whatever room you’re using. When this crucial component becomes clogged or dirty, there will be more work for yourself, and potentially an overheat if not taken care of quickly enough!

Lesser Energy Efficiency

Running an air conditioner can be costly if it has to work harder than usual, and a dirty air filter can result in this. This extra strain on the system will result in higher utility bills and more wear-and-tear for you, which may not seem like much at first, but eventually, these small changes add up!

Dirty Air

Unclean air is probably the most obvious danger of dirty air filters. The importance of cleaning your air conditioner’s filters cannot be overstated. If you notice that the unit is not working correctly, this could mean stale or unhealthy indoor air for yourself and family members who rely on it!


You might also find a challenge regarding allergy in connection with dirty air because of an unclean air filter. The air filter on an AC unit can be a significant source of allergens and pet dander. Suppose you have pets or regularly use chemical cleaning products. In that case, the dirtiness will stick around for longer because it’s not easy to remove all this residue using just household methods!

Mismatched Temperatures

Inefficient air filters cause houses to be either too warm or not cool enough. Suppose you notice that your home’s temperature is unusual or the temperature of your air conditioner does not match the thermostat. In that case, it could mean there are issues with the quality of its indoor environment, and this should receive attention as soon as possible!

Repair Bills

The air filter is the key to keeping your AC running smoothly and efficiently. When you have a dirty ac filter, parts of an A/C system have more work than they can handle, leading them to failure before their time! Not only will this require you to pay for repairs or replacement, but you also lose out on years’ worth of use, significantly if these filters aren’t changed often enough (10-15 years).

Short Cycling

Have you ever noticed your air conditioner cycling on and off every five minutes or so all day? That’s short cycling. It can signify that something is blocking the filters in them. When a filter becomes clogged, the machine must work harder to push air through it, which is most noticeable in a central air conditioning unit. As a result, rather than a consistent temperature, hot and chilly areas occur throughout your home.

How to Know if Your Air Conditioner Needs a Cleaning

To avoid needing air conditioning maintenance or repairs, clean your unit’s filter at least once every six months. This will help prevent dirt and debris from clogging up any of its vital parts that could lead you to need service much sooner than expected!

It is preferable to avoid getting to the stage where you can see or feel that your air conditioner needs cleaning or repair. However, if this is your case and it is too late to avoid it, check for the following warning signs:

  1. After turning it on, it takes longer to provide cold air into the room.
  2. The filter has previously been in use for some months without being noticed.
  3. When you start noticing dust floating from the air released by your air conditioner.

Cleaning your air conditioning system is essential for ensuring that it operates efficiently. If any of these sounds familiar, be sure to clean out the filter, or else you could have problems with coolness in the hot weather, or worse, you might experience air conditioning system failure due to your dirty filter.

Related Read: When do you need a chemical wash?

How to Maintain your Air Filter

Maintaining your air filter is important to keep your home’s HVAC system running smoothly. A dirty or clogged air filter can lead to decreased airflow and higher energy bills, so it’s essential to change it regularly. In this blog post, we’ll give you a few tips on how to maintain your air filter. Keep reading for more information!

Cleaning a Reusable Air Filter

You can extend the life of your AC by keeping it clean. A reusable air filter helps to save money and resources by being able to be used multiple times. If you have an air conditioner with reusable filters, try washing them at least once a month. To ensure that it works properly and lasts a long time, it is essential to clean the filter regularly. Here are some tips on how to clean a reusable air filter:

  • Start by removing the unit’s filter and inspecting it for any damage. If there are any tears or holes, they will need to be replaced.
  • If the filter is not damaged, rinse it off with warm water. You can use a mild soap if necessary but rinse it thoroughly afterwards.
  • Once the filter is rinsed, let it air dry completely before putting it back in the unit.

These simple steps will help keep your reusable air filter clean and working correctly. Additionally, check the manufacturer’s instructions for specific cleaning recommendations.

Replacing a Disposable Filter

If your dirty ac air filter needs disposing and replacing, don’t worry! Replacing a disposable filter is a relatively simple process that can be completed in just a few minutes. In most cases, you’ll need a new filter and a screwdriver.

  • First, locate the old filter. It will be located near the air intake of your furnace or air conditioner.
  • Once you’ve found the old filter, use a screwdriver to remove the retaining screws that hold it in place.
  • Carefully remove the old filter and dispose of it properly.
  • The new filter is inserted into the opening, ensuring it is facing the correct direction.
  • Use the screwdriver to replace the retaining screws and tighten them snugly.
  • That’s it! You’ve now successfully replaced your disposable filter.


Cleaning or replacing your AC filter is essential to maintaining your AC system. A clean filter will help to improve airflow and keep energy costs down. Be sure to check your filter regularly and replace it as needed.

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

Basic Aircon Services Tools

If you’re a homeowner, then at some point, you will need to do some basic aircon repair tools to address some aircon system emergencies.

Even if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, it’s still good to know what’s involved so you can be prepared. This post will cover the basic tools and supplies you’ll need for air conditioner services. Remember that these are just general guidelines – specific tasks may require additional tools or supplies. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Types of aircon service tools

Different types of aircon service tools are available in the market. However, not all of them are effective in repairing an air conditioner. It is essential to use the right tool for the job to ensure the repair is done correctly. Here are the standard repair tools that will be handy:

  1. Electric drill

One way to save money on air conditioner repairs is to invest in an electric drill. You can quickly drill holes for air vents, install new air filters, and even clean the coils. In addition, an electric drill is much quieter than a traditional air compressor, making it ideal for use in apartments or condos. With some practice, anyone can learn to use an electric drill for basic air conditioner repairs.

  1. Screw Drivers

A screwdriver is one of the most basic and essential tools that you need for aircon repair. It is a very versatile tool that can be used for various air conditioner repairs. The most common use of a screwdriver is to remove and replace screws. However, it can also remove air conditioner covers, loosen air conditioner parts, and adjust your air conditioner’s settings—this is notably easier to do for window-style aircon.

  1. Wrench

When it comes to air conditioner repair, one of the essential tools is a screw wrench. This tool removes and replaces screws, often used to hold different parts of the air conditioner in place. Without a screw wrench, it would be tough to perform even basic aircon repair. If you’re planning on undertaking any air conditioner repair, invest in a good-quality screw wrench.

  1. Measuring tape

With a measuring tape, you can take accurate measurements of your whole aircon system, which will help you determine what parts need to be replaced. You can also use a measuring tape to measure the area around your AC unit, so you know how much space you require when ordering new parts. In short, a measuring tape is essential for anyone who wants to do some basic aircon repair.

  1. Tube service kit

A tube service kit is a maintenance item used to clean the tubes of an air conditioner. The kit includes a brush and cleaning solution; it is essential to use it regularly to keep the AC working properly. Over time, dirt and dust can build up inside the tubes, restricting airflow and causing the air conditioner to work less efficiently, and such tools can help you address this quickly. The brush helps to loosen and remove this build-up, restoring proper airflow and improving the air conditioner’s performance.

  1. Electrical testers

If you’re planning on doing any air conditioner repairs involving electricity, you need to have an electrical tester. These testers help determine if there is power running through the wires. They are handy for testing whether a circuit breaker has been tripped. Electrical testers come in various sizes and shapes; however, a digital multimeter is the most common.

  1. Pressure Washer

A pressure washer is a tool used to clean the coils of an air conditioner. The coils are responsible for removing heat from the air, so it’s important to keep them clean. Over time, dirt and dust can build up on the coils, making them less effective at removing heat. A high-pressure washer can remove this build-up, restoring the coils’ effectiveness.

How to use essential aircon repair tools

If your air conditioner isn’t working correctly, there are a few things you can do to try to repair it before calling an aircon servicing company. All the tools mentioned above will help you detect and fix problems early on.

First, check the air filter and make sure it isn’t clogged. If it is, replace it with a new one. Next, check the air conditioner’s coils and see if they’re dirty. If they are, clean them with a brush or vacuum. Finally, check the air conditioner’s Freon levels and add more if necessary.

These are just a few basic aircon repair tips that might help you fix your air conditioners. However, if your air conditioning system still isn’t working correctly after following these tips, it’s best to contact a professional for more reliable aircon services.

Aircon service tool manufacturers

Aircon servicing can be a do-it-yourself job, but it is sometimes better to hire a professional. You will need aircon service tools if you decide to do the job yourself.

These standard tools are used to clean the coils and other parts of the air conditioner. They can also test the coolant levels and check for leaks.

If you are unfamiliar with using these tools, it is best to hire a professional. Otherwise, you could damage your air conditioner or even injure yourself. There are many different brands and models of air conditioner service tools on the market, so it is essential to research before buying one. Make sure you read reviews and compare prices before making your final decision.

Aircon service tool price ranges

The price of an aircon service tool will vary depending on the features and quality of the product. The most basic aircon service tools will cost around $50, while the more advanced products can cost upwards of $200.

When choosing an aircon service tool, you must consider what features are most important to you. A lower-priced model will be sufficient if you only need a basic product that can perform the basic functions.

However, if you require a more sophisticated aircon service tool with multiple features, you will need to spend more money. Ultimately, the best aircon service tool for you will be the one that meets your specific needs at a price that you are comfortable with.


Air conditioners are essential to any home, and their maintenance should be taken seriously. After all, a broken air conditioner can lead to uncomfortable indoor temperatures and expensive repair bills.

Fortunately, several aircon service tools can help keep your unit in good working condition. These tools can range in price from a few SGD to hundreds of SGD, depending on the type and brand. However, the investment is worth considering the alternative of a broken air conditioner.

With the right aircon service tools, you can rest assured that your unit will be up and running when you need it most.

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from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services