Sunday 27 June 2021

2 Types of Air Conditioner Coils And How These Coils Work

Do you want to understand the functioning of two air conditioner coils? To do that, you need to know how an air-conditioner works. Suppose you know anything about the principle of an air conditioner. In that case, you will know that an air conditioner gets rid of heat from an enclosed space by rotating refrigerant between outdoor and indoor units of the system.

The coolant changes its state from gas to liquid and vice-versa repeatedly in this process. The two air conditioning coils are central to this process.

Evaporator Coil Overview

The role of the evaporator coil is to remove the heat from indoor air and add it to the coolant. It is a part of the indoor unit and is thus exposed to warm air drawn in by the blower from various rooms in the home through return ducts.

The coolant that circulates in the evaporator coil which is made of copper, is in the form of vapour with a temperature of around 40 degrees. It is designed to maximise the heat-absorbing properties of this refrigerant.

The warm air is blown over the chilled copper coil tubing, and in the process, it transfers heat from the warm air to the refrigerant. In this manner, the evaporator coil extracts heat energy, and the air gets cold, which is then pushed into the supply ducts and spread through the house.

When this heat extraction process is taking place, the warm air gets in touch with the cold evaporator coil surface, resulting in condensation, causing the humidity levels in the air to go down. In short, this is the process that conditions the air.

Condenser Coil Overview

The design of the condenser coil is similar to the evaporator coil. However, the functioning is the complete opposite. As explained above, the role of the evaporator coil is to extract heat from the indoor air, whereas the condenser coil is responsible for dumping that heat outdoors.

When the heat energy is extracted from the indoor air, the refrigerant changes its state from liquid to vapour due to the absorption of heat energy. When it goes into the condenser coil, it disperses the heat carried by the coolant. The coolant releases the absorbed heat, and there is a fan in the outdoor unit through which the condenser coil passes. The action of this fan helps in dispersing heat from the condenser coil.

How these coils work together?

These coils work together in 3 different stages, as explained below:

Stage 1

The indoor unit of the air conditioning system collects the warm air in the room. This indoor unit passes the warm indoor air over the evaporator coil, which absorbs the heat energy and helps in cooling down the indoor air. The coolant flows from the evaporator coil, which is part of the indoor unit, to the outdoor unit.

Stage 2

The coolant or refrigerant enters the compressor unit when it reaches the outer part of the air conditioner. The role of the compressor is to compress the coolant in the gaseous form, which turns it back into a liquid state before it is passed to the condenser coils.

Stage 3

This is where the condenser coil comes into play as it disperses the heat, which is part of the liquid refrigerant and transfers it outdoors. Once the heat has been dispersed, the refrigerant goes back to the evaporator, where it goes into a gaseous state, and this whole process keeps repeating again and again.

Quick Differentiation between Condenser and Evaporator Coils

While these two types of coils are different, the differences are simple. The purpose of both coils is to dissipate heat, but the only difference is that they do it in different areas of the air conditioning system. The evaporator coil is part of the indoor unit which is responsible for extracting heat from the indoor air.

On the other hand, the condenser coil is part of the outdoor unit, and its role is to transfer heat absorbed from inside the house to the outdoor air.

Another significant difference between these 2 coils is that the evaporator coil also helps lower humidity levels inside and extract heat. Removing humidity from indoor air also helps in speeding up the cooling process.

The condenser coil helps transfer the heat energy to outdoor air with the help of control valves and a fan motor. Both these coils are an essential part of the air conditioning unit and help in keeping us cool and comfortable inside.


Air conditioning coils are key to the functioning of an air conditioner. We’ve already talked about how these two types of coils work, but if you have any questions or want help understanding this process more in-depth, please contact us! Our team is ready and waiting for your question or inquiry so we can provide a comprehensive answer.

from Cool Earth Aircon Services
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

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