Saturday, 20 November 2021

8 Things about Aircon Power Consumption

An air conditioner is a home appliance that helps to control the humidity and temperature of a room, often through cooling. Air conditioning uses air to cool items (the term itself means an apparatus for cooling air). There are many questions about the amount of power used by an aircon. This article will help you understand more about aircon power consumption.

1. How much power does an aircon use?

The amount of electricity that it takes to run an air conditioner varies based on the outdoor temperature, the size of the room, and how long you run it for. It also depends on what setting you have your AC set at. Most modern-day split type air conditioning systems will consume between 75 and 300 watts (1–5 kW) of power on low settings and up to 900 watts (12–15kW) on the high-speed operation.

2. Does the aircon use a lot of electricity?

It varies a lot depending on the type of air-conditioning you have and how long you use it. If your AC is running constantly while keeping your room at a comfortable temperature, then the answer is yes; it does use a lot of electricity. In fact, according to science podcasts from NASA and Scientific American podcasts, “air conditioning uses twice as much energy as all clothes washing machines in the world.”

Alternatively, suppose your room rarely gets warmer than 29 degrees Celsius or below 18 degrees celsius consistently for more than half the year without artificial heat. In that case, an air conditioner will be just fine. With that said, we recommend getting one that uses less than 700 watts and has an EER rating greater than 8.5

3. How much electricity does an aircon use in Singapore?

The amount of electricity that an air conditioning system uses can vary dramatically from one country to another. In Singapore, for example, the average household spends $30-$45 per month on electricity for an air conditioner. You may also make use of other energy-efficient options such as ceiling fans and bearable temperatures to cut your monthly power bill significantly.

4. How can I calculate the power consumption for an air conditioner?

Answer: The power consumption of your air conditioner is the electrical energy (in kilowatt-hours) it takes to heat or cool 1 ton of air by 1 degree Fahrenheit. To calculate this, multiply the number of degrees you want to change the temperature for one cubic foot by 3.51732×10^5 J/K*C

For instance, if I wanted to take 20-degree air and lower it down to 18-degree air?

3.51732×10^5 * (20 – 18) = 9×10^6 joules; then divide that number by 1000 watt-hours; then divide that number by 3600 seconds =13 kWh per hour. Remember that without using an efficient AC, you can use a regular fan and create the “cooling effect” for half the cost of running an AC.

5. Which AC has low power consumption?

Some modern air conditioners have been designed to reduce their energy footprint, using less wattage to produce optimal cooling. The most efficient models use as little as 650 watts on average compared to 2,000 watts in less efficient models.

6. How much electricity does a 12000 BTU air conditioner use per hour?

12000 BTUs = 0.685 KWH per hour

Based on this information, a 12000 BTU air conditioner would use approximately seven Kilowatts of electricity per hour.

7. At what temperature AC consumes less power in Singapore?

It has the lowest amount of electricity consumption level at 24 degrees Celsius.  After that, the power consumption increases rapidly as the temperature rises.

8. Which AC consumes more electricity, split or window?

This is a good question, but not something that can be answered with 100% certainty. Window units are generally cheaper to buy and use less electricity than split ACs because you will end up using the same amount of electricity whether the AC is calling for cold air or hot. However, you’ll need to consider factors like size (window ACs often come in smaller sizes) and noise (split ACs often don’t generate near as much noise). Evidence suggests window-mounted outdoor units are more energy efficient. 

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, if you’re worried about high energy bills due to your AC, look for an AC with the lowest wattage you can find. If you’re worried about having to replace it someday, consider buying one with a higher EER rating than other models in the same class. BTUs are also important but shouldn’t be your only concern when choosing an air conditioner.

Last Updated on

from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

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