Sunday 17 July 2022

Do Aircon Compressors Need Servicing?

When it comes to air conditioning, many moving parts need to be kept in good condition if you want your system to run smoothly. One of the most important components of an AC unit is the compressor. But do compressors need servicing? And if so, how often should this be done? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and more!

What is an aircon compressor, and what does it do?

The AC compressor is a vital part of your air conditioner as it is responsible for circulating the refrigerant throughout the AC unit. This refrigerant is what helps to cool the air that is circulated through your home or office.

However, over time, the compressor can wear down and eventually need to be serviced or replaced.

Do aircon compressors need servicing, and how often should this be done?

Yes, compressors need to be serviced from time to time to keep them running properly. Depending on the make and model of your AC unit and how often it is used, you may need to have the compressor serviced every few years.

It is important to note that if you do not have the compressor serviced when needed, this can lead to several problems such as your AC unit not cooling the air properly or at all.

The Benefits of Cleaning your AC compressor

Save Energy

Over time, dirt and dust can build up on the coils and cause the unit to work harder than it needs to. This not only puts unnecessary wear and tear on the compressor but also raises your energy bills. Studies have shown that a dirty AC compressor can use up to 30% more energy than a clean one. Regularly cleaning your compressor is a simple and effective way to reduce energy consumption and keep your AC running smoothly.

Save Maintenance Cost

Another benefit of regularly servicing your AC compressor is that it can help to avoid costly repairs down the line. As we mentioned, if the compressor is not maintained correctly, this can lead to several issues that will require expensive repairs.

Mould Eradication

One problem that can occur if your AC compressor is not working properly is mould growth. This is because the coils in the unit can become damp, which creates the perfect environment for mould to thrive.

By having your AC compressor serviced regularly, you can help prevent this from happening and keep your air conditioner free of mould.

Prolog your AC’s Lifespan

Like any other home appliance, your air conditioner has a lifespan. However, if you take good care of it and have the compressor serviced when needed, you can prolong its life and enjoy cool, comfortable air for many years to come.

Reduce Water Leakage

Another common problem that can occur if the AC compressor is not properly maintained is water leakage. This is because the seals in the unit can become worn and allow water to escape.

Servicing the compressor regularly can help to prevent this from happening and keep your air conditioner working properly.

How can you tell if your compressor needs servicing or not?

There are a few signs that you can look for that may indicate that your compressor needs to be serviced. For example, if your AC unit is making strange noises or is not cooling the air as well as it used to, these could be signs that the compressor is not running properly and will need to be serviced.

Another sign that your compressor may need to be serviced is if your energy bills have suddenly increased. This could be because the compressor is not running as efficiently as it should be and, as a result, is using more energy to cool the air.

If you notice any of these signs, it is best to consult a professional to have the compressor serviced as soon as possible.

How much does it cost to service an aircon compressor?

The cost of servicing an aircon compressor will vary depending on several factors, such as the make and model of your AC unit and where you live. However, you can generally expect to pay between $100 and $200 for an essential service.

Here is an video on how to clean the AC compressor

Final thoughts

As you can see, it is essential to have your aircon compressor regularly serviced to keep it running correctly. If you are unsure how often your compressor needs to be serviced, it is best to consult a professional.

Last Updated on

from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

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