Saturday 16 July 2022

How Often to Service Your Air Conditioner for Optimal Performance

It’s important to keep your air conditioner serviced correctly in order to ensure optimal performance and avoid costly repairs. Many people wonder how often they should have their AC serviced, and the answer depends on a variety of factors. This blog post will discuss the recommended servicing schedule for air conditioners and tips on properly maintaining your unit.

What factors influence how often your air conditioner needs servicing?

A few factors can influence how often your air conditioner needs to be serviced.

One factor is how much you use it. If you live in an area with warmer weather and use your air conditioner daily, you will likely need to service it more often than someone who uses their AC sparingly.

The age of your unit is also a factor. A newer unit will usually require less servicing than an older one. The type of air conditioner you have will also play a role. Central AC units tend to require more servicing than window units.

Lastly, the size of your unit will also be a factor. A smaller unit will not need to be serviced as often as a larger one. By keeping these factors in mind, you can help ensure that your air conditioner runs smoothly for years to come.

How long should you service your aircon?

As we mentioned, the recommended servicing schedule for air conditioners depends on a few factors. In general, most air conditioners should be serviced twice every year. However, this can vary depending on the type of air conditioner and the climate in which it is used.

In Singapore, most experts recommend servicing air conditioners 4 times per year for owners who turn on their AC every day: once at the beginning of spring, once at the end of spring, once at the beginning of fall, and once at the end of fall.

This schedule helps to ensure that the air conditioner is able to withstand the heavy usage it will undoubtedly experience. Servicing an air conditioner 4 times per year may seem like a lot, but it is a small price to pay for peace of mind and cool home.

Signs to look out for when you need aircon servicing

One of the signs that you need aircon servicing is when you notice that your energy bills have gone up significantly. This usually means that the air conditioner is not working as efficiently as it should be and needs to be serviced.

Another sign is when you notice that the air conditioner is making strange noises. This could be a sign that loose parts in the unit need to be tightened. If you notice any leaks, this is also a sign that you need to have the unit serviced.

Lastly, if the air conditioner is not blowing out cold air, then it definitely needs to be serviced.

Having your air conditioner serviced at least 4 times per year is a good idea.

Tips on how to properly maintain your AC unit

You can do a few things to properly maintain your AC unit and prevent it from breaking down.

  1. Check the air filter 4 times per year and clean or replace it as needed. A dirty air filter can restrict airflow and cause your AC unit to work harder than necessary to cool your home.
  2. If you are using central AC, inspect the ductwork 4 times per year for any cracks, leaks, or damage. These problems can lead to reduced airflow and decreased efficiency if left unrepaired.
  3. You should clear the area around your AC unit four times a year. This will ensure that the airflow is good and that the AC unit does not work too hard.
  4. Schedule a professional tune-up 4 times per year as suggested above. A qualified technician can clean the coils, test the refrigerant levels, and make any necessary repairs to keep your AC unit running like new.

Final Thoughts

Servicing your air conditioner is an essential part of owning one. By following the tips above, you can help ensure that your AC unit runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come. If you have any concerns about your AC unit, be sure to consult a qualified technician like us.

Last Updated on

from Cool Earth
via Cool Earth Aircon Services

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